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import numpy as np
from typing import Callable
from .data import T
def apply_model(model : Callable[[T], T], data : T, batch_size=None) -> T:
Applies the model to a batch of data, running at most batch_size entries through at once.
model (Callable[[T], T]): The model to apply
data (T): The data to apply the model to
batch_size (int): The maximum number of entries to run through the model at once. If None, \
runs all entries through at once.
T: The output of the model
if batch_size is None or batch_size > data.shape[0]:
return model(data)
assert type(batch_size) is int and batch_size > 0, "Batch size must be a positive integer"
results = []
for i in range(0, data.shape[0], batch_size):
results.append(model(data[i:i+min(batch_size, data.shape[0]-i)]))
return np.concatenate(results, axis=0)
def divide_into_regions(data : T, region_size : tuple) -> T:
Divides the data into regions of size region_size.
data (T): The data to divide
region_size (tuple): The size of the regions
T: The divided data
# Assumes data is a multiple of region_size
# data is array of shape (Batch_size, ...)
# region_size is tuple of length data.ndim - 1
n_splits = [data.shape[i+1] // region_size[i] for i in range(len(region_size))]
for dim in range(len(region_size)):
data = np.concatenate(np.split(data, n_splits[dim], axis=dim+1), axis=0)
return data
def combine_regions(data : T, region_size : tuple, original_size : tuple) -> T:
Combines the regions of the data into the original shape.
data (T): The data to combine
region_size (tuple): The size of the regions
original_size (tuple): The original shape of the data
T: The combined data
n_splits = [original_size[i+1] // region_size[i] for i in range(len(region_size))]
for dim in range(len(region_size)-1, -1, -1):
data = np.concatenate(np.split(data, n_splits[dim], axis=0), axis=dim+1)
return data
###################################### PADDING AND CROPPING ########################################
def pad_to_multiple(data:T, input_size:tuple, pad_mode:str="zeros", pad_position:str="end") -> T:
Pads the data to a multiple of the input size.
data (T): The data to pad
input_size (tuple): The input size of the model
pad_mode (str): The mode to pad with. One of "zeros", "reflect", "symmetric"
pad_position (str): The position to pad. One of "end" or "centre"
T: The combined data
rem_per_dim = [data.shape[i+1] % input_size[i] for i in range(len(input_size))]
pad_amount = [input_size[i] - rem_per_dim[i] if rem_per_dim[i] > 0 else 0 for i in range(len(input_size))]
if pad_position == "end":
pad_amount = [(0, 0)] + [(0, pad_amount[i]) for i in range(len(pad_amount))]
elif pad_position == "centre":
pad_amount = [(0, 0)] + [(pad_amount[i]//2, pad_amount[i] - pad_amount[i]//2) for i in range(len(pad_amount))]
raise ValueError("Invalid pad position. Must be 'end' or 'centre'")
if pad_mode == "zeros":
return np.pad(data, pad_amount, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
elif pad_mode == "reflect":
return np.pad(data, pad_amount, mode='reflect')
elif pad_mode == "symmetric":
return np.pad(data, pad_amount, mode='symmetric')
raise ValueError("Invalid pad mode. Must be 'zeros', 'reflect', or 'symmetric'")
def crop_to_original(data : T, original_shape : tuple, pad_position : str = "end") -> T:
Crops the data to the original shape.
data (T): The data to crop
original_shape (tuple): The original shape of the data
pad_position (str): The position to pad. One of "end" or "centre"
T: The cropped data
if pad_position == "end":
crop_indices = tuple([slice(None)] + [slice(0, original_shape[i+1]) for i in range(len(original_shape)-1)])
elif pad_position == "centre":
pad_amount = [data.shape[i+1] - original_shape[i+1] for i in range(len(original_shape)-1)]
crop_indices = tuple([slice(None)] + [slice(pad_amount[i]//2, pad_amount[i]//2 + original_shape[i+1]) for i in range(len(original_shape)-1)])
return data[crop_indices]
def apply_model(model: Callable[[~T], ~T], data: ~T, batch_size=None) ‑> ~T
Applies the model to a batch of data, running at most batch_size entries through at once.
:Callable[[T], T]
- The model to apply
- The data to apply the model to
- The maximum number of entries to run through the model at once. If None, runs all entries through at once.
- The output of the model
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def apply_model(model : Callable[[T], T], data : T, batch_size=None) -> T: """ Applies the model to a batch of data, running at most batch_size entries through at once. Args: model (Callable[[T], T]): The model to apply data (T): The data to apply the model to batch_size (int): The maximum number of entries to run through the model at once. If None, \ runs all entries through at once. Returns: T: The output of the model """ if batch_size is None or batch_size > data.shape[0]: return model(data) assert type(batch_size) is int and batch_size > 0, "Batch size must be a positive integer" results = [] for i in range(0, data.shape[0], batch_size): results.append(model(data[i:i+min(batch_size, data.shape[0]-i)])) return np.concatenate(results, axis=0)
def combine_regions(data: ~T, region_size: tuple, original_size: tuple) ‑> ~T
Combines the regions of the data into the original shape.
- The data to combine
- The size of the regions
- The original shape of the data
- The combined data
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def combine_regions(data : T, region_size : tuple, original_size : tuple) -> T: """ Combines the regions of the data into the original shape. Args: data (T): The data to combine region_size (tuple): The size of the regions original_size (tuple): The original shape of the data Returns: T: The combined data """ n_splits = [original_size[i+1] // region_size[i] for i in range(len(region_size))] for dim in range(len(region_size)-1, -1, -1): data = np.concatenate(np.split(data, n_splits[dim], axis=0), axis=dim+1) return data
def crop_to_original(data: ~T, original_shape: tuple, pad_position: str = 'end') ‑> ~T
Crops the data to the original shape.
- The data to crop
- The original shape of the data
- The position to pad. One of "end" or "centre"
- The cropped data
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def crop_to_original(data : T, original_shape : tuple, pad_position : str = "end") -> T: """ Crops the data to the original shape. Args: data (T): The data to crop original_shape (tuple): The original shape of the data pad_position (str): The position to pad. One of "end" or "centre" Returns: T: The cropped data """ if pad_position == "end": crop_indices = tuple([slice(None)] + [slice(0, original_shape[i+1]) for i in range(len(original_shape)-1)]) elif pad_position == "centre": pad_amount = [data.shape[i+1] - original_shape[i+1] for i in range(len(original_shape)-1)] crop_indices = tuple([slice(None)] + [slice(pad_amount[i]//2, pad_amount[i]//2 + original_shape[i+1]) for i in range(len(original_shape)-1)]) return data[crop_indices]
def divide_into_regions(data: ~T, region_size: tuple) ‑> ~T
Divides the data into regions of size region_size.
- The data to divide
- The size of the regions
- The divided data
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def divide_into_regions(data : T, region_size : tuple) -> T: """ Divides the data into regions of size region_size. Args: data (T): The data to divide region_size (tuple): The size of the regions Returns: T: The divided data """ # Assumes data is a multiple of region_size # data is array of shape (Batch_size, ...) # region_size is tuple of length data.ndim - 1 n_splits = [data.shape[i+1] // region_size[i] for i in range(len(region_size))] for dim in range(len(region_size)): data = np.concatenate(np.split(data, n_splits[dim], axis=dim+1), axis=0) return data
def pad_to_multiple(data: ~T, input_size: tuple, pad_mode: str = 'zeros', pad_position: str = 'end') ‑> ~T
Pads the data to a multiple of the input size.
- The data to pad
- The input size of the model
- The mode to pad with. One of "zeros", "reflect", "symmetric"
- The position to pad. One of "end" or "centre"
- The combined data
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def pad_to_multiple(data:T, input_size:tuple, pad_mode:str="zeros", pad_position:str="end") -> T: """ Pads the data to a multiple of the input size. Args: data (T): The data to pad input_size (tuple): The input size of the model pad_mode (str): The mode to pad with. One of "zeros", "reflect", "symmetric" pad_position (str): The position to pad. One of "end" or "centre" Returns: T: The combined data """ rem_per_dim = [data.shape[i+1] % input_size[i] for i in range(len(input_size))] pad_amount = [input_size[i] - rem_per_dim[i] if rem_per_dim[i] > 0 else 0 for i in range(len(input_size))] if pad_position == "end": pad_amount = [(0, 0)] + [(0, pad_amount[i]) for i in range(len(pad_amount))] elif pad_position == "centre": pad_amount = [(0, 0)] + [(pad_amount[i]//2, pad_amount[i] - pad_amount[i]//2) for i in range(len(pad_amount))] else: raise ValueError("Invalid pad position. Must be 'end' or 'centre'") if pad_mode == "zeros": return np.pad(data, pad_amount, mode='constant', constant_values=0) elif pad_mode == "reflect": return np.pad(data, pad_amount, mode='reflect') elif pad_mode == "symmetric": return np.pad(data, pad_amount, mode='symmetric') else: raise ValueError("Invalid pad mode. Must be 'zeros', 'reflect', or 'symmetric'")